Woke panelist freaks out at English women’s football team for having “too many” White women

For the most part, we would all know that Europeans are generally White people. Typically, they are still the majority in most of their respective countries. However, this seems to infuriate woke individuals. Recently, a viral video of a SkyNews panelist freaking out over how “White” the English women’s football team is. 

The Daily Mail states,  controversy has ignited following entrepreneur Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones MBE’s assertion. Furthermore, he claims that England’s World Cup Lioness squad lacks diversity and primarily comprises “blonde, blue-eyed” players. During a segment discussing Sunday’s headlines, Emmanuel-Jones, who claims to be among the few Black commercial farmers in Britain, argues that the squad fails to represent the nation adequately.

For obvious reasons, this sparks a wave of online criticism. In addition to this, some are labeling his comments as “racist,” others defend the selection of the “best players” as the crucial criterion for inclusion.

Woke panelist freaks out that England has a majority of White people 


Conservative X page, End Wokeness states that Argentina has the perfect response towards comments like these. The response states that Argentina is a country and not a woke Disney movie full of actors who hate the movie they’re in. Furthermore, users state that the players are most likely selected for their skills not colour. 

X users state that the panelist is asking a silly question. England is currently 82% White and obviously there will be more White people representing the nation. Following that, it would be equally peculiar if someone were to ask why a football team in Nigeria does not have White people playing for them. 


Others state that sports does not have to be racially inclusive if the person is not qualified for the position. Diversity should not be something that is forcing other people who may have more qualifications than others to not receive the job. It should be an equal level playing field despite the colour of an individual’s skin. 

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