BLACK people

The woke agenda against White people is boiling down to peculiar and ridiculous statements. It appears that another liberal agenda is now to accept Black people and other minorities to start “taking things” from White people. However, for obvious reasons, the vast majority of Twitter users, regardless of race, are vehemently disagreeing with this rhetoric. 

This peculiar opinion piece is on Yahoo news, ironically, Yahoo has a White man as their CEO. According to Yahoo, to summarize, the opinion piece claims that White people have taken things from Black people. However, this piece states that it is time for Black people to start taking things from them as reparations. 

Furthermore, there are several claims that the poorest White neighborhoods have better fundings for their schools than wealthy Black neighborhoods. The author suggests that we should ban “White Santa Clauses” and police officers as well. 

Twitter users are reacting badly towards this 


End Wokeness states that the woke media is no longer hiding this narrative. Furthermore, a Twitter user comments sarcastically stating that the success of an individual today is solely on the treatment of their ancestors 150 years ago. The user then states that because of the problems that their ancestors had decades ago, they now need the government to guarantee their success. 


In addition to this, conservatives are stating that articles like that should not have the spotlight. This is due to the fact that it reflects badly on certain racial groups in the country. However, others state that remarks like these should be spread as the general public can differentiate between good and bad people. 


Republicans are now blaming the Democrats for feeding the minorities in the country with the victim mentality. Another user states that for the past 50 years, they are hearing the same things on repeat. Regardless, there are plenty of successful Black individuals who worked hard their entire lives. Most conservatives believe that America allows individuals to prosper despite the color of their skin. 

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