‘sends-and-spews-lies’:-joe-biden-slams-elon-musk’s-acquisition-of-twitter ukraine

It was reported that Joe Biden recently renewed his support for Ukraine publicly by taking a secret train ride to their capital, Kiev. At Mariinsky Palace, Biden and his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky, stood together, reflecting on the concerns raised a year ago about the potential for Russia to swiftly seize the Ukrainian capital.

The United States has also sent out more aid funds to the Ukrainian government. He reassures Zelensky by stating, “One year later, Kyiv stands.” President Biden then added,  “And Ukraine stands. Democracy stands. The Americans stand with you, and the world stands with you.”

Netizens react to Biden visiting Ukraine 

The recent news has caught many Americans off-guard. Some Republican supporters remain convinced that if Trump were still in office and the possibility of a war breaking out would be non-existent. 

This ongoing conflict is showing concerns among the public, with a growing number of Americans expressing unease at the prospect of their tax dollars are in use towards a foreign war in Eastern Europe. As a result, Biden’s approval rating may be taking a hit.

Criticisms towards Biden for his lack of response to Ohio’s chemical spill is another topic popular among netizens. Next, the tragic news on Ohio has gained the sympathies of many, but it appears that Biden has bigger fish to fry. Republicans are accusing Biden of treason. 

There are those who are defending their President’s actions saying that Ukraine is the world’s problem. Meanwhile, Russia is currently trying to invade the country and there are no problems like that in Ohio. Moreover, Democrat supporters claim that the governor of Ohio declined help from the federal government. 

Will war defend democracy? 


Advocates of the ongoing war contend that its success would be a significant milestone for promoting democracy and world peace. Following that, netizens assert that the victory in this conflict is crucial for the stability and survival of the EU, Ukraine, and NATO. They believe that the triumph of democracy is inevitable, and the war serves as a means to ensure its continuation.

Regardless of the conflicting opinions, war is never the best solution. Millions of Ukrainians are displaced all over the world in search of a new home. In the mean time, the real casualties of the war are the people themselves. The optimal outcome for global peace and stability is a resolution  through mutual agreements between Russia and Ukraine.

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