Robert Downey

Robert Downey Jr has given his two cents on what he thinks about Quentin Tarantino’s comments on the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Tarantino who is best known for his out-of-the-box films like Kill Bill, Pulp Fiction, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Inglourious Bastards and From Dusk till Dawn among many others recently ran down the superhero franchise.

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He said that fans cared more about the intellectual properties and characters rather than the movie stars playing them. In other words, Tarantino says people are more interested in Captain America than Chris Evans.


“Captain America is the star or Thor is the star… it’s these franchise characters that have become a star,” reiterating that it was not about movie stars anymore. He referred to it as the Marvel-ization of Hollywood movies.

Tarantino also said that he does not ‘hate’ Marvel movies but dislikes them for being the only product Hollywood is interested in these days.

“Look, I used to collect Marvel comics like crazy when I was a kid. There’s an aspect that if these movies were coming out when I was in my twenties, I would totally be fucking happy and totally love them. I mean, they wouldn’t be the only movies being made. They would be those movies amongst other movies. But you know, I’m almost 60, so yeah. No, I’m not quite as excited about them.”

“My only axe to grind against them is they’re the only things that seem to be made. And they’re the only things that seem to generate any kind of excitement amongst a fan base or even for the studio making them. That’s what they’re excited about. And so it’s just the fact that they are the entire representation of this era of movies right now. There’s not really much room for anything else. That’s my problem,” said Tarantino.

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Robert Downey offended

Robert Downey begs to differ saying, “I think our opinions on these matters say a lot about us. I think that we are in a time and place that I unwittingly contributed to, where IP has taken precedence over principle and personality. But it’s a double-edged sword.

“A piece of IP is only as good as the human talent you get to represent it, and you can have some great IP even if it’s coming from an auteur or a national treasure of a writer-director, and if you don’t have the right kind of artist playing that role, you’ll never know how good it could have been,” Robert Downey said.

He also said: “We’re all a community. There’s enough room for everything. And thank God for Top Gun: Maverick and Avatar:The Way of Water.

“That’s all I have to say. We need the big stuff to make room for films like Armageddon Time,” added Robert Downey.